《Murphy Interviews》Dialogue With Jannie YI Jingsheng, Elite Chinese American & DYF Entertainment CEO; China Branded Hollywood Family Film Festival Appealing for Restoration of Global Peace in 2023

左Left: 裔锦声博士DYF Entertainment Jannie; 右Right: 邓婷Murphy
国际主持人邓婷: 全球的观众朋友们大家好,我是国家元首访谈栏目《邓婷访谈》创始人,邓婷Murphy。做客本期《邓婷访谈》栏目的嘉宾是美籍华裔优秀女企业家、华宇中国CEO裔锦声博士!裔锦声博士,欢迎您!
International Hostess Murphy: Hello, global audiences! I’m the international hostess Murphy DENGTing, the founder of State Leaders Interview Program 《Murphy Interviews》! The special & honored guest of this interview column is Jannie YI Jingsheng.
DYF Entertainment CEO Jannie:Hello, global audiences! So nice to intend《Murphy Interviews》!

国际主持人邓婷:裔锦声博士您好,能否同全球的朋友们分享一下家庭电影奖FFA?International Hostess Murphy: Jannie, would you please share Family Film Awards(FFA) with global audiences?
DYF Entertainment CEO Jannie: After three years’ joint efforts, the Family Film Awards (FFA) has become the official special award of Hollywood. Family Film Awards is focusing on family stories as general public return home during the past three epidemic years. Especially, one year terrible war. How to make a movie for our small unit family as a benchmark is the duty & most important task of Family Film Awards (FFA). There are over 8 billion people in the world, each of whom is a flow pool as each family has unique stories. FFA provides platform for accumulated family stories convey family and friendship affection and the firm voice of world peace! It is the pride of Chinese people that the Family Film Festival tops Hollywood. The stories of Chinese people can be told through the platform of Hollywood!

International Hostess Murphy: Thanks for DYF Entertainment CEO Jannie’s wonderful sharing. I was really moved by the fraternity & motivation of Family Film Awards! Especially in this contemporary sensitive war period, families in some corners of the earth can not gathering together, nor can they sit in front of the TV to watch family films produced by Family Film Awards team. Jannie, why could the Family Film Awards (FFA) succeed to be official awards of Hollywood under your leadership? I also saw you have won many awards in Hollywood!
DYF Entertainment CEO Jannie: Hollywood is a large melting pot, just like the panda loved by Chinese people, it has evolved into a kungfu Panda popular among global audiences through the reprocessing & creating by Hollywood platform. Hollywood is to help turn the most national things into the most international things. So Hollywood must be the platform where we need to learn how to tell stories! The whole creativity and energy of film industries are in Hollywood. The Family Film Awards is set up on Hollywood's super high international platform through stories related to family, family affection and high box office! The next step we are planning about the Family Film Festival is to achieve the combination of FFA with different cadres, the awards should be reviewed by professionals and judged with criteria. The Family Film Festival is like a trading pond, where everyone can bring their own movies, their own stories, and their family's stories to participate in the family film festival.

International Hostess Murphy: Congratulations to Jannie's powerful team, which has successfully push the Family Film Awards to Hollywood platform, and is about to open a Family Film Festival for global families! Jannie, would you share the investors, production teams and broadcast channels behind the Family Film Awards?
华语中国CEO裔锦声博士:好的,感谢主持人!家庭电影奖(FFA)许多年前已经存在了,FFA的创始人是Prince Dr Olympia Gellini,但是已经将品牌出售给了中国公民马氏集团马小秋女士,经过马氏集团的投资以及我在美国带队三年运作,家庭电影奖已经成为好莱坞官方奖项!所以,总的来说,投资人是马氏集团,当然,未来也许会有更多的投资人入驻!家庭电影奖(FFA)由中国人自己掌舵,聘请格莱美奖和CBS的顶级制作团队制作影片,再由强大的CW集团进行渠道播放。CW在120个国家有播放权和频道。所以,基本上,全球都已经覆盖家庭电影奖颁奖典礼以及家庭电影奖团队制作的温馨家庭题材影片!温馨提示,在12月25号没有收看好莱坞家庭电影奖(FFA)颁奖典礼的观众朋友们,都可以去Google上搜索CW Family Film Awards!你们会发现,120个国家电视频道都已经直播了好莱坞家庭电影奖的颁奖典礼,今天呢12月26号会有100家美国境内电视台联播,观众们也可以在家中电视机收看CW Channel 11.
DYF Entertainment CEO Jannie: OK, thank you Murphy! The Family Film Awards (FFA) has existed many years ago. The founder of FFA is Prince Dr Olympia Gellini, but the brand has been sold to Ms. MA Xiaoqiu, a Chinese citizen of MA Shi Group. With the investment of MA Shi Group and my three years operation in the United States, the Family Film Award has become an official Hollywood award! All in all, the investor is Ma Shi Group, and more investors may settle in the future! The Family Film Awards (FFA) is mastered by the Chinese Ms MA, and the top production teams of Grammy Awards and CBS are employed to produce films, which are then broadcast by the powerful CW Group. CW has broadcasting rights and channels in 120 countries. So, basically, the whole world covers the cozy Family Film Award Awarding Ceremony and the family films produced by the Family Film Awards team! Therefore, global audiences who missed the Hollywood Family Film Awards (FFA) on December 25 can search CW Family Film Awards on Google! You will find that the awarding ceremony of the Hollywood Family Film Awards has been live broadcast on 120 national television channels. Today, on December 26, there will be 100 US domestic television stations broadcasting, and viewers can also watch CW Channel 11 at home.

International Hostess Murphy: Could you please share with us the plan and deployment of the official Hollywood Family Film Awards and the Family Film Festival with the coming 2023?
DYF Entertainment CEO Jannie: Next, our Family Film Awards and Family Film Festival will directly cooperate with the United Nations. UN is the highest paradise where all members care about families. The second is to cooperate with the church, which is also a place where our spiritual return. The third is to cooperate with film industry professionals. The Family Film Awards are presented in Hollywood on Christmas Day each year, allowing professionals to make judgments and awarding trophy. The Family Film Festival is mainly reserved for families all over the world, and all stories are coming from international small families!

International Hostess Murphy: Thank you for your wonderful sharing. At the end of this interview, what kind of wishes do you want to send to the global audiences in the upcoming 2023 New Year?
DYF Entertainment CEO Jannie: I hope everyone can be safe, healthy and joyful, and bravely tell the stories of your family, your own, your father's, your mother's aloud!
华宇中国网站DYF Entertainment Website https://dyf-entertainment.net
家庭电影奖网站FFA Website www.2022ffa.com
CW 频道网站CW Channel Website https://www.cwtv.com/
DYF Entertainment CEO Mailbox:Jeannieyi@hotmail.com
