摘要:文化是一个国家、一个民族的灵魂。文化兴国运兴,文化强民族强。没有高度的文化自信,没有文化的 繁荣兴盛,就没有中华民族的伟大复兴。文化更是一个民族的脊梁和灵魂,它铸造着 国家和民族的心灵和品格,一个民族有了文化自信,才能立于世界民族之林;人民有了信仰,国家才有力量,民族才有希望。而文化自信是促成这些目标的至关重要的因素。
Abstract: Culture is the soul of a country and a nation.Culture invigorates the country, and culture strengthens the nation.Without a high degree of cultural confidence, without the prosperity of culture, there will be no great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.Culture is the backbone and soul of a nation. It casts the heart and character of a nation and a nation. Only with cultural confidence can a nation stand in the forest of nations in the world.Only when the people has faith can a country have strength and a nation have hope.Cultural confidence is a crucial factor in achieving these goals.

陈宇安 男 国家一级美术师,博鳌亚洲艺术人才研究中心首批研究员,中国管理科学研究院学术委员会智库专家,中国企业文化促进会中小企业文化专业委员会副会长,中国未来研究会产学研分会常务理事,三月三书社理事长,中央国家机关书法家协会理事,中央美术学院客座教授,中国楹联协会书画艺术院相关院系教授,北京世纪采风书画院顾问。中央电视台电视《文化强国》栏目组艺术顾问, 中国硬笔书法家协会会员,成都市书协理事。四川省京剧协会副会长,中国百家文化网传统文化研究院副院长,北京国都墨韵书法研究院理事。中国诗书画艺术经典大成编委,四川星海合唱团团长,成都浣花爱乐乐团团长等。本人毕业于西南大学汉语言文学系,书法主攻欧楷。2017年发起与原四川书协三位副主席张景岳、舒炯、徐德松等一起成立三月三书社,并已获颁国家知识产权局第41类、36类商标注册证书。从2018年起已连续五年与草堂博物馆合作举办每年一届的“三月三书法展”。 2021年在中央电视台大国匠心栏目中,接受著名主持人李思思做30分钟的专访。三月三书社官方网站,网名”中国书法网”可在百度搜索到。本人的个人资讯,已经在全国书画名家信息查询系统中注册备案。
作品入选2022年,中国非遗传承人年鉴。被授予2022中国非遗传承年度代表人物。获邀参加韩国美术家协会在首尔美术馆举办的2022中韩建交30周年国际文化交流大展。 作品先后被杜甫草堂博物馆,中国国家博物馆,中国美术馆,中央美术学院美术馆等国家级的博物馆和美术馆收藏。楷书字体被纳入兰亭字库,被命名为《陈宇安体》,被聘请为兰亭字库《陈宇安体》字体设计师。
Chen Yu 'an , male, is a national first-class artist, one of the first researchers of Boao Center for Asian Art Talents, an expert of the think tank of the Academic Committee of China Academy of Management Science, Vice president of the Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Culture Professional Committee of China Enterprise Culture Promotion Association, Executive director of the Industry-University-Research Branch of China Society for Future Studies, President of the Sanyuesan Press, member of the Calligrapher Association of Central State Organs. Guest professor of Central Academy of Fine Arts, professor of related departments of Calligraphy and Painting Art School of Chinese Couplet Association, consultant of Beijing Century Shufeng Calligraphy and Painting Academy. Art consultant of CCTV TV "Cultural Power" column group, member of Chinese Hardbrush Calligraphers Association, director of Chengdu Calligraphers Association. Vice President of Sichuan Peking Opera Association, Vice president of Traditional Culture Research Institute of China Hundred Culture Network, Council member of Beijing Guodong Ink Yun Calligraphy Research Institute. Dacheng, editor of Classic Chinese poetry, calligraphy and Painting Art, head of Sichuan Xinghai Choir, head of Chengdu Huanhua Philharmonic Orchestra, etc. I graduated from the Department of Chinese Language and Literature of Southwest University, majoring in Ou Kai in calligraphy. In 2017, he initiated the establishment of Sanyuesan Publishing House together with Zhang Jingyue, Shu Jiong and Xu Desong, the three vice chairmen of the former Sichuan Book Association, and has been awarded the Class 41 and Class 36 trademark registration certificates by the State Intellectual Property Office. Since 2018, it has cooperated with the Caotang Museum to hold the annual "Sanyuesan Calligraphy Exhibition" for five consecutive years. In 2021, I accepted the famous host Li Sisi for a 30-minute exclusive interview in the Great Power Ingenuity program of CCTV. The official website of Sanyuesanshusha, known as "Chinese Calligraphy Website", can be searched on Baidu. My personal information has been registered in the National calligraphy and painting master information inquiry system.
2019 AVIC System National Painting and Calligraphy Competition first prize,Special prize of the
2020 Modern Masters Huaxia Celebrity Cup National Painting and Calligraphy Art Competition
2020 The fourth "Huaxia Cup" National Painting and Calligraphy Art Competition Gold medal (the seventh period),
2020 Your fourth "Huaxia Cup" National Painting and Calligraphy Art Competition Gold Medal (the eighth period),Gold Medal of 2020 Guodu Cup National Art and Calligraphy Invitational Competition Exhibition.
The first prize of 2021 Dongpo Cup National Annual Competition of Poetry and Book Painters.
First prize of 2021 Hanmo Fenghua National Poetry, Calligraphy and Painting Competition.
First prize of the 4th Langya Cup National Calligraphy and Painting Elite Competition in 2021.
The 4th New Era National Poetry, Calligraphy and Painting Printing League gold medal in 2021.
2021 Hanmo China Cup National Painting and Calligraphy Art Competition first prize.
Gold Medal of Sihai Cup Invitational Competition of Poetry and Calligraphy at Home and Abroad in 2021.
Special Prize of the 2022 Chinese Writers, Calligraphers and Painters Representative Works Exhibition.
2022 Winner of the KITO Competition of Yujun Cup National Poetry Book Painter.
Gold Medal of the Guodu Cup National Poetry, Calligraphy and Printing Exchange Competition in 2022.
Gold Medal of the New Journey National Poetry, Calligraphy and Painting Printing League in 2022
His works were selected for the 2022 Yearbook of China's Non-genetic Inheritors.
Awarded the 2022 China Non-Inherited Representative of the Year.
He was invited to participate in the International cultural Exchange Exhibition held by the Korean Artists Association at the Seoul Art Museum in 2022 to mark the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and South Korea. His works have been collected by the Du Fu Cottage Museum, the National Museum of China, the National Art Museum of China, the Art Museum of the Central Academy of Fine Arts and other national museums and art galleries. The regular script font was incorporated into Lanting Font Library and named as "Chen Yu 'an Style", and was hired as the font designer of Lanting Font Library "Chen Yu 'an Style".
