摘要:文化是一个国家、一个民族的灵魂。文化兴国运兴,文化强民族强。没有高度的文化自信,没有文化的 繁荣兴盛,就没有中华民族的伟大复兴。文化更是一个民族的脊梁和灵魂,它铸造着 国家和民族的心灵和品格,一个民族有了文化自信,才能立于世界民族之林;人民有了信仰,国家才有力量,民族才有希望。而文化自信是促成这些目标的至关重要的因素。
Abstract: Culture is the soul of a country and a nation.Culture invigorates the country, and culture strengthens the nation.Without a high degree of cultural confidence, without the prosperity of culture, there will be no great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.Culture is the backbone and soul of a nation. It casts the heart and character of a nation and a nation. Only with cultural confidence can a nation stand in the forest of nations in the world.Only when the people have faith can a country have strength and a nation have hope.Cultural confidence is a crucial factor in achieving these goals.

2019年8月,在英国皇家艺术学院进修其间,两幅作品被英国皇家艺术学院收藏并存档;同时英国皇室男爵Baron von Kohorn先生和英国皇室礼仪教授范,科霍恩男爵夫人分别收藏其代表作品;
2019年11月 受到泰国旺猜亲王和陆军司令部最高司令上将安楠迪查亲自接见,作品分别被泰国皇室和泰国军方收藏,并授予安奇帮中泰文化大使,颁发荣誉证书和国王勋章;
An Qi Bang, pen name: Zu Jin, was born in Changwu, Shaanxi province in 1956.
Member of Beijing Calligrapher's Association;
Member of Beijing Artists Association;
Member of calligrapher's Association of Central State Organs;
Member of Artists Association of Central State Organs;
Sino-thai Cultural Ambassador (awarded by the Thai Royal Family);
Honorary Vice President of Asian Artists Association of America;
Vice chairman of Chinese Couplet Society Calligraphy Art Research Council;
From December 2017 to December 2018, he was invited to participate in the Exhibition at Louvre Museum in Paris, France twice.
In July 2017, participated in the Chinese Ink Painting Academy Yanhuang Art Museum Cultural Heritage -- Contemporary Masters painting and Calligraphy Invitational Exhibition;
In March 2018, he was invited to participate in the first American Hawaii International Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition and won the prize;
On January 28, 2019, China Overseas Chinese Foundation, overseas Chinese Charity dinner, Anqi Gang's works after rain, clinched a transaction of 400,000 yuan;
In April 2019, his works were exhibited in Antalya, Turkey and won the Golden Lily Award.
In 2019, a work "Golden Autumn" donated to the Overseas Chinese Foundation for free was sold at a charity auction dinner in Hong Kong on April 27 for 580,000 yuan.
In August 2019, while studying in the Royal Academy of Art, two works were collected and archived by the Royal Academy of Art.At the same time, The British Royal Baron von Kohorn and the British Royal Etiquette professor Van, Baroness Cohoun respectively collected his representative works;
At the end of August 2019, invited to Beijing Art Fair;
In September 2019, his work "Ice Sculpture" won the gold medal in Japan and was collected by Kanto Art Museum in Japan.
In November 2019, his works were collected by the Thai royal Family and the Thai military respectively, and he was awarded the Sino-Thai Cultural Ambassador, the Certificate of Honor and the King's Medal.
In November 2019, recorded CCTV art special "Anqi Gang -- Chinese Ink Painting Innovators"
In December 2019, he was invited to dubai Art Exhibition and won the Award of Outstanding Artist.
In December 2019, won the gold Medal of 2019 Shanghai International Design Week Comprehensive Art Exhibition;
In February 2020, 14 representative works participated in a charity sale, and all the proceeds were donated to the prevention and treatment of novel pneumonia in Wuhan.
In April 2020, Linkedin (Xlibris), one of the largest publishing houses in the United States, published Anqi Gang's literary theory book Melody of Thought, which was sold simultaneously in online and offline book stores around the world.
In June 2020, he was hired as the contracted artist of Confucius Art Museum;
In June 2020, Anqi Gang was awarded the honorary title of "National Advanced Individual learning From Lei Feng" by China Leifeng Engineering Committee, China Leifeng Newspaper, National Leifeng Learning Office, Aesthetic Education Research Center of China Leifeng Newspaper, And China Leifeng · China Collective Leifeng Review Committee.
In December 2020, he was appointed as a visiting professor of Confucius Art Museum.
安奇帮是一 位酷爱自然和执着于艺术的画家,他的风景画质朴,自然富有感情。画,贵在有自己的面貌,即自己独特的艺术风格,反映自己的艺术追求。但是,在这个问题上,往往有人产生误解,以为自己的艺术面貌和风格只要与他人不同,就可以了。因此不在艺术表现自己真实感情上下功夫,而在技术技巧和形式上做文章。这种做风
In simplicity and nature
-- The art of painting by the Anchi Gang
By Shao Dazhen
Anqi gang is a painter who loves nature and is dedicated to art. His landscape paintings are simple, natural and emotional.Painting, in its own appearance, that is, its own unique artistic style, reflects its own artistic pursuit.However, on this issue, some people often have a misunderstanding, thinking that their artistic appearance and style as long as different from others, it is ok.Therefore, instead of artistic expression of their true feelings, they focus on technical skills and forms.This wind
The phenomenon of lattice permeates the painting world, and the painting of the apostles with unique formal skills on the surface is prevalent, which misleads others and himself.
On the basis of observing and experiencing nature, Anqi gang finds the beauty of nature, expresses their own personal feelings and makes people feel friendly.He attached great importance to the shape and color of painting, and paid attention to the expression of formal skills, but he clearly knew that formal skills should serve to express real feelings, so as to have real artistic charm.
With one hand extended to the nature and the other hand extended to the precious tradition left by predecessors, Anqi has been constantly experiencing the spirit and principle of artistic creation, constantly honing his painting skills and improving his self-cultivation. His road of painting art has become wider and wider.I wish him even greater success in the future!
Shao Dazhen
Professor and doctoral supervisor of Central Academy of Fine Arts
Honorary director of theory Committee of Chinese Artists Association
Consultant of China Federation of Literary and Art Theorists Association
The beauty of the image
Hu Zhenmin, Party Secretary of China Federation of Literary and Art Circles
The anchi gang's paintings left a deep impression on me at first sight.Harmonizing color bold and clever;The use of bold and rigorous line modeling;The decorative style with strong modern sense is integrated into the title and landscape of traditional oil paintings.Together, these features contribute to the striking beauty of his paintings, a unique creation that blends the inherent regularity of Chinese painting with the nourishment of exotic impressionist oil painting.It was, of course, infused with the passion which he had nurtured and stored in his heart from the wilderness and the dark wood.Feeling moving in, bright outside for the shape of the painter's pen, color, line, melting and casting into the depth of the feeling of the picture, some paintings can make the viewer moved, stop.What is more gratifying is that the author's writing and feelings are changeable with the upheavals of The Times.His painting comes from national culture, and absorbs the milk of modern aesthetic feeling in the world vision and future world, so his excellent works give people a lively and open-minded modern sense.The art of the true "beauty of imagery" will grow into the future.
August 25, 2019
