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World Internet Conference in Barcelona Discusses Intelligent Challenges, AnyLink Leads Global Solutions

TIME:2024-07-24 15:19   SOURCE:Network    WRITER:August

​In the current era of rapid digitalization of the global economy, computing power networks, as an important support for technological innovation, are increasingly becoming the crucial driving force for the development of global intelligent networks. Against this background, the World Internet Conference recently held a special forum with the theme of "Computational Power Networks: Enabling a Smart World with Intelligent Networks" in Barcelona, Spain. The forum brought together high-level representatives from leading companies and institutions such as the Global System for Mobile Communications Association (GSMA), the Arab Information and Communications Technology Organization, Qualcomm, Intel, Micron, China Telecom, Lenovo, and AnyLink, etc. to discuss the latest developments in the field of computing power and In-depth discussion on the development opportunities of the computing power industry.

During the conference, Mohamed Ben Amor, Secretary-General of the Arab Information and Communications Technology Organization, emphasized the importance of cooperation among major computational power operators and specifically highlighted the key role of Chinese tech companies in the global computational power supply chain: "For smart networks to continue advancing and becoming increasingly intelligent, the cooperation of major computational power operators is essential. AnyLink is an excellent supplier and participant." He stated that the Arab ICT Organization is establishing cooperation with many Chinese institutions and enterprises, and the World Internet Conference provides an excellent platform to strengthen such cooperation.


Zhao He Juan, founder and CEO of TMT Post Media Group, also shared her observations and insights: "This exchange made me feel more deeply about the indispensability of global cooperation in promoting the development of computing power networks." She pointed out that the forum's high-level and high-specification attendees, crossing national and industrial boundaries, fully demonstrate the inclusiveness and international foresight of the event. Zhao He Juan called for the strengthening of experience sharing and research exchange between countries through international platforms like the "Computational Power Networks" special forum to promote more international cooperation and exchange.

ZTE Corporation's Senior Vice President Wang Xiang and Director of Public Affairs Tang Hai Ming also expressed their high praise for AnyLink and its role in the construction of global intelligent networks. Wang Xiang stated," AnyLink is crucial for building smarter global networks and promoting innovation around the world." Tang Hai Ming expressed anticipation for the future: "We hope that with joint efforts from all parties, we can soon realize the vision of 'networks everywhere, computational power everywhere, intelligence everywhere,' making computational power a social-level service as accessible as water and electricity, available at a touch, ready to use.'"

As the waves of digitalization and intelligence continue to advance, the importance of computational power networks is becoming increasingly prominent. The conference attendees generally expect the World Internet Conference to play a greater role in fields such as computational power networks, providing more conveniences for the construction and development of global computational power networks, including AnyLink, accelerating the digital transformation, and enabling digital technology for better serve the development of human society.

Through such international conferences, it not only provides a collision of ideas and an exchange of wisdom for the innovation and application of computing power network technology; but also lays a solid foundation for global cooperation. This opens up unprecedented development opportunities, heralding a steadily advancing intelligent and interconnected future.

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