新加坡时间2023年12月14日,世界夫人新加坡新闻发布会暨2024启动仪式在新加坡善济医社总部大楼隆重举行。世界夫人全球品牌创始人黄安妮受邀出席。世界夫人新加坡荣誉主席认证官、新加坡善济医社执行主席卓顺发携新加坡联席推荐官梁淑玲、新加坡2020冠军庄燕 、新加坡2022才艺冠军李雪霞、新加坡2021季军林侅蒨 、新加坡2022才智冠军张春丽 、新加坡2021总冠军宋娇娇、新加坡2023亚军杨莹花等夫人代表;新加坡国际音乐舞蹈艺术家总会会长欧阳小萱,新加坡金参天下集团执行董事刘亦苛,新加坡Moon Arts 艺术总监刘秋枫,新加坡帝国集团国际市场总监李美菊等支持单位代表;新加坡洪运媒体马云龙,新加坡狮城头条徐思凯艺等媒体代表及嘉宾出席了本场发布会。2023全球总冠军VU THI THU HUONG在美国通过线上方式参与了本次发布会。
On December 14, 2023 (Singapore local time), World Madam Press Conference in Singapore&2024 Launch Ceremony was held in Sian Chay Medical Institution headquarters. World Madam Global Brand Founder, Anni Huang attended on invitation. Toh Soon Huat, World Madam Honorary Chairman Certification Officer in Singapore, Executive President of Singapore Sian Chay Medical Institution attended this conference along with madam representatives (such as Singapore Joint Recommendation Officer Shuling Liang, 2022 Singapore Champion Yan Zhuang, 2022 Singapore Talent Champion Xuexia Li, 2021 Singapore Runner-up Gaiqian Lin, 2022 Singapore Intellectual Champion Chunli Zhang, 2021 Singapore Overall Champion Jiaojiao Song and 2023 Singapore Runner-up Yinghua Yang), supporting units representatives (like President of Singapore International Music&Dance Artists Association Xiaoxuan Ouyang, Executive Director of Golden Ginseng Group Yike Liu, Art Director of Moon Arts Qiufeng Liu and International Marketing Director of Imperium GRP PTE LED Meiju Li), as well as media representatives and guests (including Lucky Media Yunlong Ma and SG Headlines Sikaiyi Xu, etc). VU THI THU HUONG, 2023 World Madam Global Champion attended the conference online in America.

主持人张春丽在发布会上首先介绍了世界夫人国际文化周于2023年10月在纽约圆满落幕,来自全球各国家和地区夫人代表与各国组委代表和各届人士共同见证了这一盛会,在当地产生了积极的反响。纽约市长亚当斯代表紐约市政府特别致函世界夫人基金会和黄安妮予以了高度认可与赞赏。来自新加坡夫人代表VU THI TlHU HUONG在本次评选中获得2023全球总冠军荣誉。
The hostess, Chunli Zhang, started with the introduction to the success of World Madam International Culture Week in October 2023 in New York. As she said, madam representatives, organizing committee representatives and all attendees from different countries and areas witnessed this grand event which received positive responses locally. Eric Adams, mayor of New York city, on behalf of New York government, wrote to World Madam Foundation and Anni Huang to express high recognition and appreciation. VU THI THU HUONG from Singapore was honored with 2023 Global Champion in this year’s event.

宋娇娇表示:作为世界夫人她首先感到这是一份荣耀,她将以王冠之名继续传递健康、美丽与爱心之使命,同时借此代表全体参加评选的新加坡夫人向新加坡组委及所有的台前幕后工作人员表达了感谢。作为新任秘书长身份,她认为这是一份责任与担当,接下来她一定为服务新一届新加坡组委做好上传下达的工作。她表示,世界夫人在新加坡系列活动,给新加坡人民带来了积极的影响,尤其是新加坡VU THI THU HUONG夫人代表新加坡荣获2023全球总冠军,是新加坡的组委的荣耀,更是新加坡全体夫人的骄傲;世界夫人平台的魅力不仅让社会关注到女性外在的美丽,更让社会感受到女性内在的力量和多元化及多样性能量的传递。
Jiaojiao Song said that as one of the world madams, she has firstly taken it as an honor, and she would continue the mission of spreading health, beauty and care in the name of the crown. At the same time, she expressed her gratitude to all madams participating in this activity, Singapore organizing committee and everyone on and off the stage. As the new secretary general, she saw it as responsibility and commitment, and she would try her best to serve the new Singapore organizing committee in the future work. According to Jiaojiao Song, a series of activities held in Singapore by World Madam has influenced people there in a positive way, especially after VU THI THU HUONG was honored as the 2023 Global Champion, which was not only a great glory for Singapore organizing committee, but a pride of all Singapore madams. The charm of World Madam not only lies in attracting the social attention to the external beauty of women, but also making the society feel the inner power of women and the diverse power transmission.

梁淑玲表示:祝贺VU THI THU HUONG代表新加坡赛区在2023美国纽约全球评选中取得全球总冠军,感谢全球组委对新加坡组委的认可获得明星组委称号,这是对新加坡组委的全员付出的肯定,期待2024年,世界夫人新加坡系列活动在善济医社等各大单位的顶力支持下作出更大的贡献,取得更优异的成绩,让世界夫人这项国际品牌在新加坡国家为促进男女性别平等,协助更多的女性在创业赋能、消除贫困等方面发挥更多的榜样与力量作用。
Shuling Liang stated congratulations to madam VU THI THU HUONG who won the global champion representing Singapore division in New York, US. She Thanked the global organizing committee for their recognition and presenting award of star organizing committee to Singapore OC, which is an affirmation to all members in this organization. She expressed her wishes that in 2024, Singapore OC can make much greater contributions with the support of units like Sian Chay Medical Institution, have better performance and enable World Madam, the international brand, to play a better role in promoting gender equality, helping more women in businesses and self-improvement, and eradicating poverty in Singapore.

卓顺发表示:“天下无私,天下为公,就是太平盛世,和谐社会。世界夫人活动值得尊重,值得鼓励,值得坚持。因为我看到“夫人一小步,世界一大步”这理念的背后是心思、奔波及汗水。慈悲的执着是颗善良的心,仁爱的心。世界夫人活动以‘促进全球家庭共享和谐与幸福为愿景’,为彰显全球女性魅力的平台,活动不仅将目光对准女性的外在,更推崇的是夫人内心的坚强、善良及无私的奉献精神。女性除了外表的端庄美丽,还要具备传统的美德; 注重内涵,修养,智慧与善良;需要一个平台发挥智慧和能量,提升让生命的价值; 为创造幸福家庭,和谐社会而努力”。他还表示:善济医社作为一个拥有百年历史的中医慈善机构,积极倡导“宽容、大爱、慈悲、感恩、奉献”五大价值观,推动“有国才有家,家和才万事兴,善与国同在,济与民同心”信念。善济全体同仁致力于打造新加坡为善良之都。而世界夫人集团与善济医社都是在推广慈善精神,传播光明正能量;我们愿和大家一起支持黄安妮发起的如此有意义的爱心公益活动,助力女性成长,共同将慈善、环保和公益的理念传播至全球。
As Toh Soon Huat said, “the situation when the world selflessly and equally shared by all is what prosperous and harmonious society be like. The World Madam activities are worthy of respect, encouragement and persistence, because what I see from the concept of “one small step for madams, one giant step for the world” are considerations, efforts and sweat. Behind compassion, there is a kind heart, a loving heart. The World Madam activities regard “ promoting global family sharing harmony and happiness ”as a vision and World Madam is a platform to show the charm of women around the globe. These activities not only focus on women’s appearance, but more appreciate their inner strength, kindness and selflessness. Being demure and beautiful externally is not enough, women should also have traditional virtues, be gentle and well-cultivated, intelligent and kind. Therefore, they need a platform to show their intelligence and power, enhance the life value and make their efforts to create happy families and harmonious society.” He added, “as a TCM charity with a hundred years of history, Sian Chay Medical Institution has been actively advocating five values: tolerance, love, compassion, gratitude and dedication, and promoting the ideas that where there is country, there is home; where there is harmony, there is prosperity; where there is kindness, there is a nation; where there is people, there is relief. All members in our institution are devoted to shaping Singapore into a city of kindness. Both World Madam Group and Sian Chay Medical Institution promote charity and spread positive energy, so we are willing to, with all of you, support this meaningful charity activities initiated by Anni Huang and help women to spread the ideas of charity, environmental protection and public welfare around the world.

Anni Huang said, “a small step for madams, a giant step for the world. I hope that the Singapore organizing committee and madams can be united as one and remain true to our original aspiration, so as to further bear World Madam’s mission and responsibility to participate the global public welfare activities. She also said, the original intention of founding this brand and holding World Madam global activities is to promote and celebrate the global women’s achievements and influence. This platform aims to granting honors to women who have made outstanding contributions in families, career, social service and so on, and providing an international stage at the same time for them to show their talents and passion. These activities are symbols of honor, and work as essential paths to promote cultural exchange and mutual understanding. She hopes that such kind of activities can stimulate more women to strive for excellence, show themselves, and become an agent for social change. Female empowerment and gender equality are critical to social development currently. Female empowerment means that more opportunities, education chances and sources should be distributed to women and let them play crucial roles in more areas.
At the press conference, in recognition of years of contributions made by Singapore organization committee to World Madam culture development locally, Anni Huang presented them with Star Organizing Committee Certificate, and awarded Certificate of Appreciation to all supporting units and Certificate of Authorization to the new organizing committee representative. Finally, they held the 2024 launch ceremony together.

World Madam originated from Canada and was initiated by Anni Huang. It is an expansive platform dedicated to honoring the distinct and multifaceted attributes of women from every corner of the globe. With the mission of enhancing women's overall well-being, it seeks to spotlight exemplary female leaders, support underprivileged women and children, nurture global female talents, and foster social stability and global peace. Women who are influential in politics, economics, technology, culture, education and other fields from all over the globe are connected by series activities to participate in social welfare activities like helping the poor and the disabled children and women. As of October 2023, nearly 60 countries or regions globally have submitted applications to World Madam Group, and about 40 among them held World Madam themed activities successfully. Globally speaking, over 100 major events have been held and more than 100 charitable activities have been participated, creating a positive impact on society.