On November 19, 2022, Sydney time, 2022WORLD MADAM Australia Finals and Awards Ceremony was grandly held in Sydney, Australia. Co-hosted by Auburn Welfare Center and Australian Oriental Song and Dance Ensemble, co-organized by The Property Investors Alliance, Australian Chinese Friendship Association, Australia-China Tea Culture Exchange Promotion Association, Australian Sisterhood Oriental Rhyme Cultural Communication Center, and Goods Creek. May HU OAM who acted as the honorary chairman of 2022 World Madam Australia Division, is the chief planner, Lily Cheng, the Executive Chair is the chief director.

The main guests present were: Mark Coure, Minister of Multiculturalism, The Hon Philip Ruddock AO, former Federal Immigration Minister of Mayor of Hornsby Shire, LE LAM Honorary Mayor Lin Lihua, Honorary Mayor of Douglas Eaton, Strathfield Councilor Benjamin Cai, Georges river Councilor Colleen Symington About 500 people, including Benjamin Chow AO, Josephine Lam AO, representatives of the Australian government and parliament, councilors, overseas Chinese leaders in Sydney, overseas Chinese leaders from all over Australia, art groups and media representatives, and participating wives attended the final and award ceremony that day.
The Chinese associations represented by Chinese leaders include: Australian Chinese Friendship Association, Australian Association for the Promotion of Peaceful Reunification, Australian International Cultural Industry Association, George River City Councilors in the Southern District, Australia-China Tea Culture Exchange Promotion Federation, Australian Women's Federation, and Australia Huaxia Cultural Promotion Association, Sydney Yue Opera Troupe, Federation of Fujian Associations in the Australian Capital, Fujian General Chamber of Commerce in the Capital, Chinese Art Troupe Alliance Association, Queensland Sea Dream Art Troupe, etc. Members of the Organizing Committee of World Madams Australia outside Sydney also came from Melbourne and Queensland to participate.

May HU OAM,honorary chairman of the Australian Division
May HU OAM, honorary chairman of the Australian Division, delivered a speech She said that the object of World Madam’s activities are different from most beauty pageants for young women, but to highlight the charm of married women. Because married women are greater. They not only want to achieve their own careers, but also take care of their husbands and children, take care of housework, and serve the society. And the concept of "One small step for a madam , One big step for the world" is also consistent with the slogan put forward by the International Women's Association several years ago. That is "progress of women makes progress of the world", "women's progress promotes the progress of the world" in . The champions, runners-up and individual champions produced at today's finals will have the opportunity to participate in the global finals held in the United States in March next year.

Lily Cheng, the Executive Chair of the Australian Division, delivered a speech
Lily Cheng, the Executive Chair of the Australian Division said in her speech: I am very pleased that World Madam has built an international exchange and learning platform for every madams so that we can promote cultural exchanges between countries through a series of global activities; enhance the civilized quality of the participating ladies, enhance friendship and cooperation; promote the global Cultural integration and development; improve the world's women's education and career development environment, and make unremitting efforts to promote the vision and goal of "global families share harmony and happiness".

Lihua Lin,honorary chairman of the Australian Division

Former Federal Immigration Minister and Mayor Philip Ruddock AO delivered a speech

Doug Eaton, Honorary Chairman of the Australian Division, and the Mayor of OAM delivered a speech

Speech by Marcus, Executive Deputy Secretary-General of the Australian Division

The madams in the finals combined the stage presentation with the local cultures , making the madams a business card of the city in the competition area. The madams pool who participated in the finals of the Australian competition perfectly interpreted the concept of WORLD MADAM. Before stepping onto the stage of the finals, they all went through high-intensity training, from psychological counseling, physical fitness, to collective performance on the stage. Under the precepts and deeds of professional training instructors, the wives had a great improvement in the short training session. Variety. As most of the wives who have no stage experience, their performance on stage can be described as amazing.

In this final, Lily Cheng, served as the chair of the jury, and Tingting Xie, Star Xu, Nancy Liu, Xiaohong Chen , Ning Zhang served as judges. The moderators are Matt Jones, JunYan SHU, Xiangjun LIU.

Overall Champion Xiaojuan Yu (second from the left)

Honorary ChampionHelenTeterin (second from the left)

The WORLD MADAM global selection is through the combination of pre-comment and on-site evaluation. It is not selected from the limited perspectives such as appearance, figure, talent, etc., but is defined by rich multi-dimensionality, diversity, inclusiveness and its social role. Madams’ success and achievements.
Announcement of the list of awards for 2022 World Madam Australia Finals:
Love Ambassador Xiaohu Chen (Sydney)
Love Ambassador Junyan Shi (Queensland)
Love Ambassador Star Xu (Queensland)
Most Outstanding Individual Achievement Lisa Li (Melbourne)
Best Madam Morality Xiaoping Jiang (Sydney)
The most media-focused Madam Xiaorong Mao (Sydney)
The Most Photogenic Madam Yuzhen Wang (Sydney)
The Most Harmonious Family Madam Yazhen Gao (Sydney)
The Most Beautiful Smiling Madam Min Liu (Sydney)
The Most Confident Madam Qingmin Gao (Queensland)
Most Influential Madam Shimin Yao (Sydney)
The Most Vibrant Madam Melissa Gang (Sydney)
The Most Inspiring Madam Ying Guan (Sydney)
The Most Charming Madam Annie Li (Sydney)
The Most Affable Madam HuiYang (Sydney)
The Most Fashionable Madam Huaying Feng (Sydney)
Most Popular Madam Huan Guo (Sydney)
Best Temperament Madam Shiping Luo (Sydney)
2nd runner-up Haixian Fang (Queensland)
2nd runner-up Ping Li (Sydney)
Third Runner-up Yuan Yuan (Sydney)
Runner-up Linlijuan Liu (Sydney)
Runner-up Lan Hu (Sydney)
Deportment Champion Meena Namdeo (Queensland)
Talent Champion Xinxin Lin (Sydney)
Wisdom Champion Qiaoxi Cha (Melbourne)
Honorary Champion Helen Teterin (Sydney)
Elected Champion Xiaojun Zhang (Canberra)
Overall Champion Xiaojuan Yu (Sydney)

WORLD MADAM global series events were initiated by Madam Annie Huang, with Madam Lisa Chen serving as the Global Executive Chairwoman. The goal is to connect married women who are influential in politics, economics, technology, culture, and other fields from all over the globe. "Crown Changes Lives" highlights the charm of married women, which awakens and encourages them to learn of caring for themselves while working hard for their careers, families, and the next generations. The goal is to establish female role models by advocating health, beauty, and love, participating in social charity activities, helping the poor and disabled, and putting concerted efforts to achieve "Families Share Harmony and Happiness Around the Globe."